International Journal of Management, Sciences, Innovation, and Technology

IJMSIT is an academic, online, open access, double-blind, peer-reviewed international journal. It aims to publish original, theoretical, and practical advanced researches.
It is a bi-monthly international journal, being published in the months of January, March, May, July, September, and November
It covers different topics and different categories such as Management, Sciences, Innovation, Medicine, and the latest Technologies.
About the journal
IJMSIT is an academic, online, open access, double-blind, peer-reviewed international journal. It aims to publish original, theoretical, and practical advanced researches
bi-monthly international journal, being published in the months of January, March, May, July, September, and November

International Journal of Management, Sciences, Innovation, and Technology | |
Important Information | |
Current Issue |
Call for Papers for |
Last Date for sub. | 26 Mar 2023 |
ISSN (Online) | : 0000-0000 |
Language | : English, French, and Arabic |
Frequency | : 6 Issues per year: January, March, May, July, September and November |
Discipline | : Management, Sciences, Technology |
Subject/Focus Subject | : Management (all), Technology (all) Sciences (Physics, Maths, Chemistry) |
DOI (CorssRef) | |
Review Process | : Double Blind Review by referees |
Acceptance Time Frame | : 1 to 4 weeks, depending upon the load of the journal |
Editor-in-chief | : Prof. Mustafa Kayyali |
Publisher | : Academy of Health Sciences, Syria| pr@hsacademy.org | Contact Us |
International Journal of Management, Sciences, Innovation, and Technology (IJMSIT) is an international peer-reviewed and academic research journal. It is dedicated to publishing high-quality scientific research work and papers in the broad field of Management, Sciences, and Technology. It aims to publish peer-reviewed original and unique research, theoretical and practical advances in Management, Sciences, and Technology. The main theme and main goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists, researchers, and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new finding, discoveries, and developments in different areas of knowledge.
The aim of IJSMIT is to:
Disseminate original, scientific, theoretical or applied research in the field of Management, Sciences, Technology and related fields.
Dispense a platform for publishing results and research findings with a strong empirical and analytic component.
aqueduct the significant gap between research and practice by promoting the publication of original, new, scientific-relevant research.
Seek original and unpublished research papers based on theoretical or experimental works for the publication all over the world.
Publish original, theoretical and practical advances in Management, Sciences, innovation and technology.
Provide a platform for researchers to publish their results and findings.
Create a bridge for significant gap between theory and practice.
Solicit original and unpublished research papers, based on theoretical or experimental works.
Call for Papers: Authors are cordially invited to submit their original research papers, based on theoretical or experimental works for publication in the journal any time all over the year. Researchers are kindly invited to send their papers to editor@ijmsit.com.
All submitted papers:
– must be original.
– must not be previously published.
– must be experimental, empirical, or theoretical.
– must be in word template and format according to IJMSIT format.
– All papers will be peer-reviewed
– All papers must not be considered for publication elsewhere at any time during review period (1- 4 weeks). After review results, the researcher may, and have the right either to publish the paper at IJMSIT, or call any other journal.
Publication of papers in IJMSIT is free (free submission, free publication, and free APC). We do not charge any fees from the authors for the papers to be published in IJMSIT.
Scope Area of IJMSIT:: The scope of publishing at IJMSIT is limited to the following fields:
Subject Category: Management (all), Technology (all) Sciences (Physics, Maths, Chemistry)
Broad Subject Category: Science, Management, Technology
Truly Yours,
Prof. (Dr.) Mustafa Kayyali