Guidelines for Authors
Submission of manuscripts is available only in the form of online. Papers are to be submitted in the form of Microsoft Word. Authors are alsostrongly encouraged to provide all texts, tables, and figures in the form of Microsoft Word file. Files and manuscripts are to follow IJMSIT Template, and to be sent (attached IJMSIT Submission Cover Letter, and IJMSIT Copyright Form) to: IJMSIT Submission Cover Letter should include the corresponding author’s full address and telephone/fax numbers in addition to his/her latest updated CV. The same applied in the case more than one author wrote the paper.
A manuscript reference number will be mailed to the corresponding author within 48 hours.
Title: The Title should be as brief as possible describing the contents of the paper, and the main topic/theme it covers. The Title Page should include the authors’ full names and affiliations, the name of the corresponding author along with phone, and E-mail information. Present addresses of authors should also appear in the paper.
Abstract: The Abstract which should be included at the beginning of the manuscript should be informative and completely self-explanatory, briefly present the topic, state the scope of the experiments/process, indicate significant data, and point out major findings and conclusions. The Abstract should be about 200-300 words in length. Complete sentences, active verbs, and the third person should be used, and the abstract should be written in the past tense. No grammatical mistakes are to be found in the paper. Following the abstract, about 6 to 10 key words that will provide indexing references to should be listed.
Keywords: About 6 to 10 key words that will provide indexing references to should be listed. The keywords should be of the main theme/prospects of the paper. In the case of manipulation, the paper is going to be removed from publishing and author is to be ban from publishing.
Abbreviations: In the case more than 10 abbreviations are used in the paper, a list of abbreviation should appear before the introduction. In the case less than 10 abbreviations, each abbreviation should be spelled out and introduced in parentheses the first time it is used in the text. Adding additional information regarding the abbreviation used is recommended.
Introduction: The Introduction should provide a clear statement of the problem, the relevant literature on the subject, and the proposed approach or solution. It should be understandable to colleagues from a broad range of scientific disciplines.
Materials and Methods: Materials and methods should be complete enough to allow experiments to be reproduced. Only truly new procedures should be described in detail; previously published procedures should be cited, and important modifications of published procedures should be mentioned briefly. Subheadings is recommended. Methods in general use need not be described in detail.
Results: Results should be presented with clarity and precision. Previously published findings should be written in the present tense. Results should be explained, but largely without referring to the literature.
Discussion: Discussion, speculation and detailed interpretation of data should not be included in the Results. The Discussion should interpret the findings in view of the results obtained in this and in past studies on this topic.
Conclusions and final findings: State the conclusions in a few sentences at the end of the paper. It is the final outcome of your paper.
Acknowledgments: The Acknowledgments of people, colleagues, grants, funds, colleges, universities, etc. should be brief.
Tables: Tables should be simple and kept to a minimum. Tables should be self-explanatory without reference to the text.
Figure: Figures on a separate sheet. Graphics should be prepared using applications capable of generating high resolution pictures. Tables should be prepared in Microsoft Word.
References should be following the APA style. References should be cited in the article continuously according to appearance in Arabic numerical superscript in square bracket [1]. References should be ordered in the reference list alphabetically, while in the manuscript, it should be arranged according to the order list of the reference. Dorp, L. V., Acman, M., Richard, D., Shaw, L. P., Ford, C. E., Ormond, L., . . . Balloux, F. (2020). Emergence of genomic diversity and recurrent mutations in SARS-CoV-2. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 83, 104351.
Article Reference:
Using doi is preferred in the case it is avilable: Galea S, Merchant RM, Lurie N. The Mental Health Consequences of COVID-19 and Physical Distancing: The Need for Prevention and Early Intervention. JAMA Intern Med. 2020;180(6):817–818.
Website reference:
References to webpages, and links is acceptable in the case the webpage belongs to a notable institution:
Harris, D. (2020, September 28). When Should Schools Reopen Fully in-Person? Challenges and Suggestions For School Leaders. Retrieved December 15, 2020, from
Book reference:
Adding ISBN number is preferred in the case it is available.
Kentnor, H. (2015). “Distance education and the evolution of online learning in the United States”. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue. 17: 21–34.
Submit Your Paper
Authors should submit only papers that have been carefully proofread and polished. Before submission please make sure that your paper is prepared using the journal paper template. This will ensure fast processing and publication. Acceptance or rejection notification will be sent to all authors. Authors are requested to download the template of the paper and copyright transfer from the Download page ( ).
Authors are advised to read the following Submission Guidelines before submitting the manuscript/ original paper
- Papers submitted for IJMSIT should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time.
- A declaration should be made by the author in the covering letter that the paper is original and has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
- The cover page should contain the title of the paper, author’s name, designation, official address, and address for correspondence, contact, phone/fax number, and e-mail address.
- Papers should bear the abstract, introduction, rationale, review, research design, analysis and interpretation, findings and conclusion, and references in the IJMSIT paper template.
- Research paper with the abstract containing tables, figures, and references should be around 3000-8000 words or up to 20 pages.
- Publication of the article or paper rests with the Editorial Committee and it depends entirely on its standard and relevance. Authors may also be requested to revise their manuscripts before they can be accepted for publication. Correspondence in this regard will be done with the first-named author unless otherwise indicated.
- Maximum time taken for processing the paper is 15-30 days.
- When a submission is created, the author will be asked to confirm that the manuscript has not been previously published in any language and whether it is under consideration for publication by another journal. The author must promptly inform the chief editor ( ) if it is submitted for publication elsewhere before its disposition by the journal. It is unethical for an author to publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one peer-reviewed journal.
- An author should make no material changes to a paper after it has been accepted. If there is a compelling reason to make changes, the author is obligated to inform the editor directly of the nature of the desired change. Only the editor has the final authority to approve any such requested changes.
- All submitted paper will be submitted to the concerned Chief Editor who inspects the manuscript, if he/she determines that the manuscript is not of sufficient quality to be submitted for review or if the submitted manuscript is out of the scope of the journal, the editor will reject the submission without any further processing. An email will be sent to the concerned author informing them about the rejection of the manuscript.
- If the recommendation is to submit after minor changes, the article will be sent to the corresponding author of the article for submitting after making the recommended corrections. The corresponding author is the responsible person to resubmit the article after making recommended corrections within the stipulated time. If the recommendation is to submit after a major change, the Chief Editor determines whether to accept the paper or not.