IJMSIT Advertising Policy

International Journal of Management, Sciences, Innovation, and Technology IJMSIT reserves the right to decline any type of advertising that is damaging to the brand of IJMSIT or is inappropriate to the content held on the IJMSIT network.

All advertisements are subject to the approval of IJMSIT, which reserves the right to reject or cancel any ad at any time.

All advertisement requests for IJMSIT website have to be approved by our IJMSIT editor. Advertisement should be clear concise and not misleading in nature.

Advertisements may not be deceptive or misleading, and must be verifiable. Advertisements should clearly identify the advertiser and the product or service being offered. Exaggerated or extravagantly worded copy will not be allowed. Advertisements will not be accepted if they appear to be indecent or offensive in either text or artwork, or if they relate to content of a personal, racial, ethnic, sexual orientation, or religious nature.

IJMSIT will not allow any treatment-specific or drug-specific campaign to be targeted to a specific article(s) or on any page where content relates to the product(s) being advertised.

All advertisements for drug-specific campaigns must comply with International regulates advertising procedures.

Advertisement for the following categories is strictly prohibited:

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  • Fireworks
  • Gambling and lottery
  • Pornography or related themes
  • Political and religious advertisements
  • Advertisements that claim to have a “miracle” cure or method
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